Retail Merchandising

In-store retail merchandising helps retailers and manufacturers create the best environment to attract customers and maximize sales.

70% of purchasing decisions are made in-store. Merchandising companies like taqseem ensure that products arrive on the sales floor on time, are fully stocked, priced correctly, and have accurate inventory for replenishment. In-store merchandisers also execute brand engagement through in-store marketing (ISM) placement, display sets, and in-pack instant coupon promotions.

Our Merchandising services

At Taqseem, we offer a wide range of merchandising services to improve your retail operations and customer experience. Here’s a detailed look at what we offer:


Our Expertise services

Taqseem’s retail merchandising services team is a collective of seasoned experts. Our leadership team brings more than a decade of executive retail experience, including store and business inventory management, merchandising, operations and manufacturing.

Our deep retail execution experience drives strategy, processes and understanding of our clients’ needs and desired outcomes.

Technology used

Taqseem uses a proprietary platform and mobile application to drive the development and delivery of service procedures to our team, service planning, and execution and reporting by our marketers. Our platform allows for greater flexibility in the services we provide and the custom tasks we perform for our clients.


Our proprietary platform allows our account team to collect and report data the way our clients want. We can customize the data type and report format to suit your needs. We provide summary-level reports that show an overview of visit results, along with a store-level report upon completion of service.
Most importantly, our clients receive timely reports throughout the service and final results are sent 48 hours after completion of the service.


Taqseem's Internal Compliance team ensures timely service execution and audits of our marketers' work. This team is responsible for timely store visits and maintaining consistent store coverage. The Compliance team audits 100% of the photographs taken during services for quality control.

Quality Merchandisers

Merchandisers are the heart of any merchandising business. Without quality marketers, the best strategy, process, and support will not produce the best results. Through training, in-store assignments and experienced recruiters, Taqseem prides itself on the high-performing merchandising team we send to retailers every day.